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Show HN: Make Any CLI into a GUI in Acme https://ift.tt/fvC19eV

Show HN: Make Any CLI into a GUI in Acme Hey HN. I've become enamored with the Acme editor. It's fascinating because it turns the Vim paradigm on its head: instead of maximizing your use of the keyboard, maximize your use of the mouse. I think this helps optimize for information management, as opposed to text manipulation. I realized a lot of the CLIs I use have the same structure, and with a small program I could convert them into GUIs inside Acme and make them much easier to use. Let me know what you think. https://ift.tt/izuZsAf August 28, 2022 at 12:45AM
Show HN: Make Any CLI into a GUI in Acme https://ift.tt/fvC19eV Show HN: Make Any CLI into a GUI in Acme https://ift.tt/fvC19eV Reviewed by Manish Pethev on August 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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