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Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle https://ift.tt/1OkY5Q7

Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle Hey HN! FlappyBirdle combines elements from the game Flappy Bird and the popular word game Wordle. I wanted to see if I could make a game that added urgency to Wordle, while also feeling outragous at the same time. I think I achieved it with FlappyBirdle. Every time you type a letter of the word, the bird flaps its wings and you get closer to the goal. It also has an easy mode that ignores the pipes, so even beginners can get a good score. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can make it better! https://ift.tt/6ziLK0n February 7, 2023 at 03:31AM
Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle https://ift.tt/1OkY5Q7 Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle https://ift.tt/1OkY5Q7 Reviewed by Manish Pethev on February 07, 2023 Rating: 5

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