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Show HN: Can a command line approach to logging ensure buy-in from your team? https://ift.tt/bfsjIcu

Show HN: Can a command line approach to logging ensure buy-in from your team? Dashboard fatigue leads to poor adoption of observability tools. pb brings unified log data to your CLI, so you run sql queries on the data directly. We think this will improve the log data usage and improve overall debug-ability https://ift.tt/k5yEAwz August 29, 2023 at 06:46PM
Show HN: Can a command line approach to logging ensure buy-in from your team? https://ift.tt/bfsjIcu Show HN: Can a command line approach to logging ensure buy-in from your team? https://ift.tt/bfsjIcu Reviewed by Manish Pethev on August 30, 2023 Rating: 5

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