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Show HN: uDSV.js – A faster CSV parser https://ift.tt/CDbJuxR

Show HN: uDSV.js – A faster CSV parser Hey folks! I know CSV parsers (especially in JS) aren't terribly exciting and someone writes a "better" one every week. I'm in the middle of my parental leave, and this was a project that came out of me looking for the fastest/smallest CSV parser. It all started so innocently, and then turned into a benchmark-validation-athon; the library itself took ~2 weeks to write, but the performance comparisons took another ~4 weeks (on and off). The benchmarks were a huge effort, but I think they are the most thorough to date, both in breadth and in depth, so hopefully you find them useful: https://ift.tt/a48xzsI Let me know if you have specific concerns / questions / improvements :) cheers! Leon https://ift.tt/9w3Bgxb September 4, 2023 at 09:34PM
Show HN: uDSV.js – A faster CSV parser https://ift.tt/CDbJuxR Show HN: uDSV.js – A faster CSV parser https://ift.tt/CDbJuxR Reviewed by Manish Pethev on September 07, 2023 Rating: 5

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