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Show HN: UptimeFunk, Because the World Needs Another Uptime Monitoring Service https://ift.tt/8MNLtVQ

Show HN: UptimeFunk, Because the World Needs Another Uptime Monitoring Service A few months ago, i was looking for a simple uptime monitor service to monitor my websites, but i wanted some extra features that i couldn't find anywhere. These aren't wild features, but oddly enough couldn't find a service that was easy to setup, cheap, and that could do simple uptime mointoring for databases (sql & mongodb), docker containers, rabbitmq queues and os memory/cpu. It's only when i was almost done that i realized uptime monitoring services had become something of mania in the indiehacker/solopreneur world. Anyways, hoping it can provide value to some of you. https://uptimefunk.com Would love some Feedback! https://uptimefunk.com/ November 8, 2023 at 08:50PM
Show HN: UptimeFunk, Because the World Needs Another Uptime Monitoring Service https://ift.tt/8MNLtVQ Show HN: UptimeFunk, Because the World Needs Another Uptime Monitoring Service https://ift.tt/8MNLtVQ Reviewed by Manish Pethev on November 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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